Scientific merit category:
1st place Gabriela Krejcova - GPs: Macrophage-specific delivery tool visualized three ways. Confocal and electron microscopy images of Drosophila macrophages (green) internalizing yeast-derived glucan particles, which represent a suitable macrophage-specific delivery tool.
2nd place Alexey Bondar - Single molecule interactions - the image demonstrates interactions between individual signaling molecules (a G protein-coupled receptor and a G protein) in living cells after treatment with dopamine.
3rd place Hana Sehadova - Rocket to Mars - Parts of the queen bumblebee's ovary. The developing oocyte is nourished by a group of sister cells.
Aesthetic merit category:
1st place Hana Sehadova & Oxana Skokova Habustova - Inseparable friends - A muscular and glandular trichome on a potato leaf of the Marabel variety.
2nd place Hana Sehadova & Michal Zurovec - A tangled path - The silk of the spindle ermine moth, Yponomeuta cagnagella.
3rd place Anxhela Hania - Colony core of Trichodesmium - a marine filamentous cyanobacterium; the sample was collected in the Gulf of Aqaba (Eilat, Israel) and employed to visualize the presence of associated bacteria.
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