Provision of the Dean No. D 92
About regulation of the support of postdoctoral positions at FSci expanding the support provided by rectorate postdoctoral positions

The aim of the support is to attract quality postdocs to FSci, bringing know-how from other workplaces. In contrast to the rectorate support, the support of FSci is aimed at minimizing the time between the submission of the application and its acceptance, and thus increasing the probability that a candidate of good quality will accept the offered position.

1) The conditions for the granting of the position of faculty postdoc are the quality of the applicant and the submission of an application for the position of a rectorate postdoc according to the rules of USB[1].

2) The management of FSci are to assess applications and forward a maximum of 3 to the management of USB as applications for rectorate positions. At the same time, they are to decide which of the applicants FSci is willing to offer a faculty position to according to the procedure described below.

3) The highest-ranking candidate from the circle of candidates selected for rectorate support (K) will be immediately[2] notified by the management of FSci of the offer of a postdoctoral position with the possibility of immediate entry (the rectorate position opens on 1 January of the following year).

4) By the decision of the management of USB on granting a rectorate postdoctoral position to a candidate from FSci[3], two possibilities may subsequently arise:

4a) The management of USB will award the rectorate position to candidate K. If K is already at FSci at that time, he/she will be assigned funding from university resources (from which he/she may be supported for the maximum period specified in the application, i.e., the total stay may be extended by the period of employment as a faculty postdoc).

4b) The USB management will select another candidate from FSci. Then the positions of faculty and rectorate postdoc are independent, K is fully funded by the Faculty and the rectorate postdoc is funded by USB, both for the period specified in the applications.

5) If K does not accept the position or moves to the position of rectorate postdoc, the management of FSci may offer the faculty position to another of the candidates in order according to point 2), if more excellent postdocs apply in the given year.

6) Postdocs (financed by FSci or the Rectorate) who have applied for the maximum length of the position may request the Dean of FSci to extend the position for a maximum period of 3 years. The application is to be assessed in the light of results up to that time as well as contribution to the Faculty.

This Dean´s Provision replaces the Dean´s Provision from 14th of November 2019.


In Českých Budějovicích on the 16th of August 2023

prof. RNDr. František Vácha, Ph.D.
Dean of the Faculty of Science USB

[1] According to the current rules, applications are accepted at the faculty until 6 September 2023 using this form:

[2] According to current rules, until 11 September 2023

[3] Now, most often, in the second half of November, but the granting of the position may occur much later in the case of rejection of the offer by more highly asessed candidates.


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