The Academic Senate of University of South Bohemia in České Budějovice approved pursuant to § 9 par. 1 letter b) of Act No. 111/1998 Coll., on Higher Education Institutions and on Amendments and Supplements to Other Acts (The Higher Education Act), on ……………….. and the Rectorate of University of South Bohemia in České Budějovice registered on ……………… under ref………………. Disciplinary Rules of the Faculty of Science of University of South Bohemia in České Budějovice.
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JUDr. Rudolf Hrubý. Chairperson of the Academic Senate of USB |
prof. PhDr. Bohumil Jiroušek, Dr. Rector of USB |
Disciplinary rules for students of the Faculty of Science of University of South Bohemia in České Budějovice
The Academic Senate of the Faculty of Science of University of South Bohemia in České Budějovice approved these Disciplinary Rules for Students of the Faculty of Science of University of South Bohemia in České Budějovice (hereinafter referred to as "the Rules"), pursuant to Act No. 111/1998 Coll., on Higher Education Institutions and on Amendments and Supplements to Other Acts, as amended (hereinafter "the Act").
Part One
General Provisions
Article 1
Introductory Provisions
- These rules are an internal regulation of the Faculty of Science of University of South Bohemia in České Budějovice (hereinafter referred to as "FSci USB" or "Faculty") in the sense of § 33 para. 2 letter e) of the Act.
- These Rules define disciplinary offenses and regulate the rules for discussing disciplinary offenses of students enrolled in any form of study at the Faculty of Science of University of South Bohemia, and the rules for imposing sanctions for disciplinary offenses; they further regulate the rules of procedure of the disciplinary commission.
- Act No. 500/2004 Coll., the Administrative Procedure Code, as amended (hereinafter “the Administrative Procedure Code”) shall apply to proceedings on disciplinary offenses pursuant to these Rules in the event that neither the Rules nor the Act contain special regulations.
Article 2
Disciplinary offense
- A disciplinary offense is a culpable breach of an obligation stipulated
- by law or other legal regulation,
- an internal regulation of University of South Bohemia in České Budějovice (hereinafter “USB”), or
- by an internal regulation of FSci USB.
- A disciplinary offense is in particular:
- publishing any third-party work as his/her own, in particular by using part of the third-party work in his/her own work without proper reference or by literally using part of the third-party work without clearly indicating the citation, for example by quotation marks, including:
- paraphrasing someone else's work without citing the source
- translation of the work into another language, including paraphrasing without citing the source
- use of non-text works or parts thereof (such as pictures, etc.) without citing the source
- non-compliance with licenses, copyrights, and copylefts,
- unauthorized dissemination of materials provided in the course of teaching (presentations, recordings of lectures, publications, etc.),
- submission of the same or slightly modified work to fulfill various study obligations,
- providing a written work to another person for the purpose of submission by another person who intends to subscribe to the authorship of the work (so-called ghostwriting) and thus fulfill a study obligation at USB or another university; according to the previous words the provision or processing of written work for a fee by a so-called research agency is also considered to be the provision of written work to another person,
- obtaining a written work from another person for the purpose of submitting it and subscribing to the authorship of the work and thus fulfilling a study obligation at USB; obtaining a written work from a so-called research agency for a fee is according to the previous words also considered to be obtaining a written work from another person,
- any form of unauthorized manipulation of assigned examination questions or exchange of tests when writing written works, as well as the use of unauthorized materials, information, and aids in the performance of study obligations, or any attempt to do so,
- particularly serious or repeated violation of obligations, rules, and prohibitions arising from the internal regulations of FSci USB,
- particularly serious or repeated violation of the rules and instructions for the use of the USB computer network stipulated by the regulations of USB or FSci USB,
- misuse of information infrastructure (data repositories, computer clusters, servers, network infrastructure) of FSci USB, USB or their partner organisations, including foreign ones, for gainful activity or activities in conflict with valid regulations,
- intentional destruction, damage, unauthorized theft of property, or misuse of the property of FSci USB, USB, or the property of a member of the academic community, an employee of FSci USB or a person acting in cooperation with FSci USB,
- aggressive or disruptive behavior, whether physical or verbal, towards a member of the academic community, employees of FSci USB or a person acting in cooperation with FSci USB,
- participation in teaching, professional work, or practice whilst obviously under the influence of alcohol or other addictive substances,
- breach of the obligation to notify without undue delay of obvious inaccuracies in the data in the study records.
Article 3
Disciplinary Committee of the Faculty
- The Disciplinary Committee of FSci USB (hereinafter referred to as “the Disciplinary Committee") is a self-governing academic body of the Faculty consisting of 6 members. Its term of office shall be 2 years and shall run from the date on which the standard appointment of members took place in accordance with paragraph 2, but not earlier than the day following the expiry of the term of office of the previous Disciplinary Committee.
- The members of the Disciplinary Committee are to be appointed, and for serious reasons also dismissed, by the Dean from among the members of the academic community of the Faculty, with the prior consent of the Academic Senate of FSci USB. Half of the members of the Disciplinary Committee are to be students enrolled at FSci USB. The Dean cannot be a member of the Disciplinary Committee.
- The Disciplinary Committee is to elect its Chairperson from among its members and to dismiss him/her.
- The functioning of a member of the Disciplinary Committee is always to expire at the end of the term of office of the Disciplinary Committee (paragraph 1).
- Before the expiration of the term of office, the position of a member of the Disciplinary Committee may terminate, specifically, by resignation submitted in writing to the Dean, or by termination of membership in the part of the academic community of FSci USB which was decisive in their appointment. If the membership of a member of the Disciplinary Committee terminates before the expiry of the term of office of the Disciplinary Committee, the Dean is to appoint another member from the relevant part of the academic community in accordance with paragraph 2.
Part Two
Disciplinary proceedings
Article 4.
Purpose of disciplinary proceedings
In disciplinary proceedings, it is necessary in particular to ascertain or determine whether
- an act has occurred which is regarded as a disciplinary offense,
- such an act is a disciplinary offense,
- the disciplinary offense was committed by a student,
- the student has been sanctioned in the past for another disciplinary offense or whether the imposition of a sanction has been waived because the discussion of the disciplinary offense itself led to a remedy, if this finding is relevant for the assessment of the offense in question,
- the disciplinary offense can be discussed,
- the disciplinary offense was committed negligently or intentionally; and
- what disciplinary sanction is to be imposed for the commission of a disciplinary offense.
Article 5
Initiation of disciplinary proceedings
- Anyone may file an initiative to discuss a disciplinary offense. The complaint is to be submitted to the Dean. If the motion seems justified, the Dean is to submit a proposal to the Disciplinary Committee to initiate disciplinary proceedings.
- The Dean's proposal to initiate disciplinary proceedings is to contain in particular
- a description of the act in which the disciplinary offense is considered to have taken place, stating the provisions of the infringements pursuant to Article 2, including the time and place where the disciplinary offense is believed to have been committed, if known,
- identification of the student who is believed to have committed the act,
- justification for why the act is regarded as a disciplinary offense,
- presentation of the evidence upon which the application is based.
- The proceedings are to be initiated on the day when the student was notified of the commencement of proceedings pursuant to Section 46 of the Administrative Procedure Code together with a copy of the Dean's proposal; a summons to an oral hearing may be connected to the notice of the commencement of proceedings pursuant to Section 69 (1) of the Act (Section 59 of the Administrative Procedure Code).
- Before initiating proceedings, the Faculty may, in accordance with the wording of Section 137 of the Administrative Procedure Code, obtain the necessary explanations to verify the notification, other suggestions, and its own findings, that could give reason to initiate proceedings.
Article 6
Circumstances precluding the hearing of a disciplinary offense
A disciplinary offense may not be heard if a decision has already been taken in the same case in the disciplinary proceedings or if a period of one year has elapsed since the commission of the act in which the disciplinary offense is considered to have taken place or since the final judgment in a criminal case. This period is not to include the time when the person is not a student.
Article 7
Discussion of a disciplinary offense before the Disciplinary Committee
- Immediately after the commencement of disciplinary proceedings, the Chairperson of the Disciplinary Committee is to convene a meeting. Simultaneously with the convening of the Disciplinary Committee, the Chairperson is to provide its members with all available documents on the matter under discussion.
- The date of the oral meeting of the Disciplinary Committee is to be set so that the oral hearing of the offense is started no later than 30 days from the delivery of the proposal to initiate disciplinary proceedings to the Disciplinary Committee. The proceedings of the Disciplinary Committee shall always be public, except for deliberations and votes on motions for resolutions.
- Disciplinary proceedings are to be held with the participation of the student against whom the disciplinary proceedings are being conducted or his/her authorized representative (see Article 8, paragraph 3). Only the student is to be party to the proceedings. The student is to be duly summoned to an oral hearing in accordance with Section 59 of the Administrative Procedure Code at least five days in advance. The summons is usually to be given at the same time as the announcement of the commencement of disciplinary proceedings pursuant to Article 5, paragraph 3. In the absence of a student, an oral hearing may be held only if he/she does not appear without a proper apology delivered to the chairperson of the Disciplinary Committee no later than the opening of oral proceedings. The apology must be based on demonstrably serious reasons preventing participation.
- A serious reason is considered in particular a medical incapacity documented by a decision on the occurrence of temporary incapacity for work pursuant to Section 60 of the Labor Code (a so-called sick note) or by a certificate from a doctor clearly showing that medical indisposition prevents a student from attending an oral hearing. The Disciplinary Committee is to assess the justification for the apology and, if it accepts it, set a new date for the hearing. The chairperson of the disciplinary commission is to ensure the repeated summoning of the student.
- The Disciplinary Committee may, under the conditions of Section 64 of the Administrative Procedure Code, suspend the disciplinary proceedings by a resolution.
Article 8
Conduct of oral proceedings
- The meeting of the Disciplinary Committee are to be opened by the Chairperson or an authorised member of the Disciplinary Committee by acquainting those present with the content of the proposal to initiate proceedings and summarising any results of previous meetings.
- The student or his/her representative has, with the exception of the meeting and voting of the disciplinary commission, the right to be present at the disciplinary commission meeting, may also propose and submit evidence, comment on all documents for the meeting, inspect written documents, inspect the minutes of Disciplinary Commission proceedings, with the exception of the voting minutes, and to take extracts therefrom.
- The student may choose his/her representative. An elected representative who proves themself to the Disciplinary Committee by a written authorisation of the student or to whom the student grants authorisation before the Disciplinary Committee has the rights specified in the previous paragraph.
- The factual state of affairs is to be ascertained by evidence ascertained by the disciplinary commission on its own initiative or on the proposal of the Dean, or student. The Disciplinary Committee is not bound by the participant's proposals, but is obliged to take the necessary evidence and discuss the case so that it can be determined without reasonable doubt whether the student has committed a disciplinary offense.
- Every student or employee registered at the Faculty is obliged to appear at the summons of the Disciplinary Committee for an oral hearing and to testify upon the facts important for the disciplinary proceedings, if his/her testimony is proposed as evidence. However, the summons may be refused by anyone to whom, or to a person close to him/her, it would cause the risk of prosecution for a criminal offense or administrative offense. Members of the academic community or Faculty staff who have been summoned to appear before the Disciplinary Committee to give testimony may not be present at the oral hearing until they have been interrogated by the Disciplinary Committee.
Article 9
Closure of proceedings before the Disciplinary Board
- If the Disciplinary Committee recognises the results of the presented evidence as sufficient for the assessment of the present case, it is to decide on a draft decision on the disciplinary
- The Disciplinary Committee is to propose to the Dean the termination of the proceedings if it has become apparent during the proceedings that
- the act stated in the motion to initiate disciplinary proceedings did not take place or is not a disciplinary offense,
- the disciplinary offense was not committed by the student concerned,
- the person who committed the disciplinary offense ceased to be a student pursuant to § 55 or 56 of the Act, or
- the disciplinary offense cannot be discussed or proved (according to Article 6).
The proposal for a decision on a disciplinary offense must include, in particular, the proposed statement and reasoning.
Article 10
Deciding on a disciplinary offense
- Decisions in disciplinary proceedings are to be issued by the Dean on the basis of a proposal by the Disciplinary Committee without undue delay. Before issuing a decision, the Dean may return the matter to the Committee with a written justification for further investigation, if he/she deems it necessary for the proper clarification of the matter.
- Before issuing a decision, however, he/she is to allow the student, within a specified period, to comment on the documents relevant to the decision
- Under the conditions of Article 12, the Dean may, by decision, impose a sanction proposed by the Disciplinary Committee, impose a lesser sanction, or waive the imposition of a sanction..
- The verdict on a disciplinary offense is to be made in writing and must contain:
- the designation of the University, Faculty, and its Dean,
- the name and surname, date of birth, student number, and study programme of the student, and possibly the field of study to which the decision relates, place of permanent residence, and possibly also the address intended for delivery, which the student reported according to § 61 of the Act,
- the operative part of the decision, which
- stipulates that the student has committed a disciplinary offense (with a description of the act and an indication of the violated regulations) and
- imposes sanctions or waives their imposition pursuant to § 65 para. 2 of the Act;
- justification,
- instructions on the student's right to file an appeal and how to exercise this right, including an indication of where and within what period it is to be submitted, from which date this period is to be calculated, and which administrative body is to decide on the appeal.
- The Dean's decision on a disciplinary offense, which was notified to the student, is to take legal effect on:
- the expiration in vain of the time limit for lodging an appeal against a decision on a disciplinary offense
- delivery of the Rector's decision by which the decision on the disciplinary offense issued by the Dean is changed or confirmed,
- a waiver of the right of appeal.
Article 11
- A student whose disciplinary offense has been decided by the Dean has the right to appeal against this decision within 30 days from the date of notification by the Dean. The deadline is to be maintained if, on the last day of the deadline, a postal item containing an appeal is submitted to the postal license holder or within the said deadline the appeal is otherwise demonstrably delivered to the filing office of the Faculty. An appeal may be lodged only after the decision has been given; if the appeal was lodged before the decision was notified, it shall be deemed to have been lodged on the first day of the appeal period.
- A timely and admissible appeal has a suspensory effect; the suspensory effect of the appeal shall not give rise to the legal force, enforceability, or other legal effects of the decision. The suspensory effect of an appeal cannot be set aside.
- The right to file an appeal does not belong to a student who has waived this right after notification of the decision. If the student withdraws the submitted appeal, he/she may not re-file it.
- An appeal may challenge an operative part of a decision, an individual operative part or its ancillary provisions. An appeal against the grounds of the decision alone is inadmissible. In the appeal, the student is to state their name, surname, date of birth and place of permanent residence. It must be clear from the appeal against which decision it is directed and what is proposed, what is seen as a conflict between the decision, or the procedure which preceded it, with legal regulations or internal regulations. If a student objects that he/she was not allowed to perform a certain act in the proceedings at first instance, this act is to be performed together with the appeal.
- An appeal is to be submitted to the Dean of the Faculty. The Dean will complete the proceedings as appropriate; this does not apply if the appeal has been lodged late or if it was inadmissible. The Dean may revoke or amend the decision if it fully satisfies the appeal; this decision may be appealed.
- If the Dean does not find the conditions for the procedure under the previous paragraph, they are to forward the file with their judgement to the appellate administrative body, which is the Rector, within 30 days from the date of delivery of the appeal. In the event of an inadmissible or delayed appeal, the Dean is to submit the file to the Rector within 10 days from the date of delivery of the appeal. The judgement is to confine itself to stating the reasons which are decisive for the assessment of the delay or inadmissibility of the appeal. If the Dean ascertains before handing over the file to the Rector that a fact has arisen which justifies the termination of the proceedings, he/she is to immediately annul the contested decision and suspend the proceedings.
- The Rector is to review the compliance of the contested decision and the proceedings that preceded the issuance of the decision with legal regulations and the internal regulations of USB and FSci. Defects in the procedure which cannot reasonably be considered to have affected the compliance of the contested decision with legal regulations or internal regulations shall not be taken into account.
- If the Rector concludes that the contested decision is in conflict with legal regulations or internal regulations they may
- annul the contested decision or part thereof and halt the proceedings;
- annul the contested decision or part thereof and return the matter to the Dean for a new hearing; in the justification of this decision, the Rector is to express the legal opinion by which the Dean is bound when the matter is re-examined; an appeal may be filed against the new decision of the Dean,
- amend the contested decision or part thereof; the amendment cannot be made if this would risk the loss of the opportunity to appeal; the student has the right to comment on the basis of the decision newly provided by the Rector; if it is necessary to eliminate defects in the justification, the Rector is to amend the decision in that part of the justification; the Rector cannot change the contested decision to the detriment of the student, unless the contested decision is in conflict with legal regulations, including the internal regulations of University of South Bohemia and the Faculty.
- If the Rector finds that a fact has arisen which justifies the termination of the proceedings, they are to immediately annul the contested decision and suspend the proceedings.
- A delayed or inadmissible appeal is to be rejected by the Rector; if the decision has already entered into force, he/she is to subsequently examine whether the conditions are in place for reviewing the decision in the review procedure, for reopening the procedure or for issuing a new decision. If he/she finds the preconditions for initiating a review procedure, for reopening the procedure, or for issuing a new decision, the delayed or inadmissible appeal is to be considered as an initiative for the review procedure, or as a request for reopening of the procedure, or for a new decision. If the Rector concludes that the appeal was filed in time and that it is admissible, he/she is to return the matter to the Dean.
- If the Rector finds no reason for the procedure under paragraphs 8, 9, or 10, he/she is to reject the appeal and confirm the contested decision; if the Rector changes or annuls the contested decision only in part, he/she is to confirm the remainder.
- The decision on appeal proceedings is to be issued by the Rector within 30 days; the period is to begin on the day the file is handed over to the Rector. The provisions of Article 10, paragraphs 2 and 3 are to apply to the Rector's decision in a similar manner.
- The decision of the Rector cannot be further appealed; the Rector's decision is to come into force if it has been notified to the student. Together with the Rector's decision, the Dean's decision, which has been confirmed in accordance with paragraph 11, is to come into force.
- If the student withdraws the submitted appeal, the appeal proceedings are to be terminated on the day the appeal is withdrawn; on the day following the termination of the proceedings, the contested decision is to come into legal force; a resolution is to be issued on the fact that the proceedings have been terminated, which is only to be noted in the file and of which the student is notified; the appeal may be withdrawn up to the issuing of the Rector's decision at the latest.
- Following the decision pursuant to paragraph 8, the Rector or the Dean is to take such measures that the student's rights are restored and the consequences caused by the defective decision are removed or at least mitigated.
Article 12
Imposition of sanctions
- If guilt has been proven without reasonable doubt, one the following sanctions may be imposed for the disciplinary offense committed:
- a reprimand,
- conditional expulsion from studies with a determination of a deadline and the conditions of the verdict,
- expulsion from studies.
- The imposition of sanctions is to take into account in particular the nature of the disciplinary offense, the nature of the conduct by which the disciplinary offense was committed, whether the disciplinary offense was committed repeatedly, the circumstances under which it occurred, the manner of its commission and its consequences, the motives of the student leading to the commission of the disciplinary offense, the degree of fault, as well as the student's behavior to date, including his/her academic results, and whether he/she has made an effort to remedy the harmful consequences caused.
- If a sanction of conditional expulsion from study is imposed, the decision is always to explicitly contain a condition that the student may not commit another disciplinary offense or an even more serious act within the set time limit under the sanction of conditional expulsion from study.
- The imposition of a sanction may be waived if it can be considered that the very discussion of the disciplinary offense will lead to a remedy.
- When imposing sanctions for several disciplinary offenses, only a single sanction is to be imposed.
- A sanction more severe than that proposed by the Disciplinary Committee may not be imposed.
- The sanction is to be enforceable on the day of confirmation of the legal force of the decision on the disciplinary offense.
- The imposed disciplinary sanction is to be marked for the student in the study file and in the study records in the information system (IS STAG).
Article 13
Enforcement of sanctions
- The sanction of a reprimand is to be carried out by making a record of it in the student's study file.
- The sanction of conditional expulsion from studies is to be carried out in such a way that a record is made of it in the student's study file and the authorised employee of the study department supervises the fulfillment of the certificate conditions for a specified period. Based on the information of the Department of Student Affairs, the Dean is to assess whether the student has proved themself or not. In the event that the student has not proved themself, the Dean is to issue a decision to which the provisions of Article 10 are to apply mutatis mutandis. The sanction of conditional expulsion from study in connection with the decision that the student did not prove themself is to result in expulsion from study.
- The sanction of expulsion from studies is to be carried out in such a way that the student's studies are terminated on the day the decision on the disciplinary offense takes legal effect.
Part Three
Rules of Procedure of the Disciplinary Committee
Article 14
Internal Organisation of the Disciplinary Committee
- The Chairperson of the Disciplinary Committee is to
- organise the activities of the Disciplinary Committee and act on its behalf externally,
- convene, direct, and terminate the proceedings of the Disciplinary Committee, propose the agenda of discussed offenses.
- The Disciplinary Committee is to elect a Vice-Chairperson from among its members, who are, if necessary, to represent the Chairperson of the Disciplinary Committee.
- The disciplinary commission is to cooperate with the Department of Student Affairs of the Faculty, which is to provide it with the necessary information about students and all necessary cooperation. The meeting of the disciplinary commission is to be attended by an authorised employee of the Dean's Office, who is to
- participate organisationally in ensuring the activities of the Disciplinary Committee,
- draw up a report on the proceedings of the Disciplinary Committee in accordance with § 18 of the Administrative Procedure Code,
- administratively process other document of the Disciplinary Committee,
- ensure a written copy of the Dean's decision on a disciplinary offense and its proper dispatch,
- inform the Disciplinary Committee of whether the student has been sanctioned in the past for committing a disciplinary offense; and
- in cooperation with the Department of Student Affairs, report to the Dean on whether the student fulfills the conditions of the verdict set by the Dean's decision on a disciplinary offense when imposing a sanction of conditional expulsion.
Article 15
Proceedings of the Disciplinary Committee
The proceedings of the Disciplinary Committee are to be chaired by its Chairperson. The Chairperson of the Disciplinary Committee is to be responsible for the minutes of each hearing and voting.
Article 16
Decision making of the Disciplinary Committee
- The Disciplinary Committee is to decide on matters falling within its competence by a resolution.
- A Disciplinary Committee is competent to pass a resolution if a majority of its members are present. The resolution of the Disciplinary Committee is to be adopted if a majority of its members present have spoken in favor.
- The approval of the majority of the present members of the disciplinary commission is to be required for the adoption of a resolution of the Disciplinary Committee. The approval of a majority of all members of the Disciplinary Committee is to be required for the adoption of a resolution which could result in the imposition or execution of a sanction of expulsion from
- The Disciplinary Committee is to successively vote on guilt, on whether a sanction shall be imposed, and on the type of sanction.
- If the Disciplinary Committee does not reach a resolution
- that the student is guilty, it is to propose to the Dean that the proceedings be terminated,
- that a sanction shall be imposed, it is to propose to the Dean that he/she refrains from imposing a sanction,
- on the imposition of a sanction of expulsion from studies, it is to vote on the imposition of a sanction of conditional expulsion from studies,
- on the imposition of a sanction of conditional expulsion from studies, it is to propose to the Dean that he/she imposes a sanction of reprimand on the student.
Part four
Common, transitional, and final provisions
Article 17
- Delivery of documents in disciplinary proceedings is to be governed by § 69a para. 2 of the Act and § 19 et seq. Administrative Procedure Code.
- Documents issued during the process of disciplinary proceedings, if they are not delivered directly during the performance of the process, are to be delivered through the Dean's office of the Faculty, to the address provided by the student in IS STAG.
- The document is to be delivered in person,
- in the case of
- summoning the student to disciplinary proceedings,
- the summoning of a member of the academic community of the Faculty or an employee of the Faculty pursuant to Article 8, paragraph 5 of these Rules,
- a decision on a disciplinary offense,
- a decision on an appeal against a decision on a disciplinary offense,
- a decision that a student upon whom a sanction of conditional expulsion from studies has been imposed has not proved himself/herself in the prescribed manner,
- if the authority which issued the document so specifies.
- The day of delivery of a document is to be the day when the addressee received the document. If the addressee refuses to accept the document, this is to have the effect of he/she receiving the document.
- If the document cannot be delivered in disciplinary proceedings due to the fact that the student has not fulfilled the obligation specified in § 63 para.3 b) of the Act, or if the document cannot be delivered to the delivery address reported by the student, the document is to be delivered by a public decree, while the University is not obliged to appoint a guardian for the student.
Article 18
Temporary provisions
- Liability for existing disciplinary offenses shall be assessed in accordance with the existing regulations, if the conduct establishing liability took place before the date of entry into force of these Rules; according to these rules, it is to be assessed only if it is more favorable for the student.
- A disciplinary commission established before the entry into force of these Rules is to be considered a disciplinary commission established under these Rules; the relevant provisions of these Rules, including Article 3, are to apply to it.
Article 19
Final Provisions
- The Disciplinary Code for Students of the Faculty of Science of University of South Bohemia in České Budějovice of 28 April 2009 is repealed.
- These Rules were approved by the Academic Senate of the Faculty of Science of University of South Bohemia in České Budějovice on 26 January 2021
- These Rules, pursuant to § 9 par. 1 let. b) of the Act, were approved by the Academic Senate of University of South Bohemia in České Budějovice on ………………..
- These Rules are to enter into force on the day of approval by the Academic Senate of University of South Bohemia in České Budějovice.
- These Rules are to enter into force on the day of their publication on the public part of the FSci USB website.
RNDr. Petr Nguyen, Ph.D. Chairperson of the Academic Senate of FSci USB
prof. Ing. Hana Šantrůčková, Dean of FSci USB