Provision of the Vice-Dean for doctoral studies No. 9
On support for PhD candidates supervised by FSc USB key employees
In accordance with the Scholarship Regulations of USB, the support for a given calendar year is paid in the form of a scholarship for outstanding research, development and innovation, or other creative results contributing to the deepening of knowledge to the PhD candidates, who meet the following conditions:
The amount of the scholarship for each calendar year is decided by the Dean. For the year 2024 it is set at CZK 3000 per month and the scholarship can be paid retroactively.
In České Budějovice, 20th February 2024
doc. RNDr. Eva Nováková, PhD.
Vice-Dean for Doctoral Studies
*key employee status is determined by the Dean of FSc USB
Branišovská 1645/31a, 370 05 České Budějovice Tel. 387 776 201 |
Branišovská 1645/31a, 370 05 České Budějovice Tel. 387 776 201 |
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