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New Master program Functional genetics and bioinformatics

The new 2-year Master's study program Functional genetics and bioinformatics was created to increase the career prospects of our graduates by implementing rapidly developing new technologies.

The study programme is taught in English and offers four different specializations:



Human molecular genetics

Molecular cell biology and genetic


All information about the study programme is here: Master studies - Přírodovědecká fakulta JU (jcu.cz)


Examples of model species used in the department's research.

Image 1. - Immuno-fluorescent confocal images of the cryosections of Drosophila in the course of metamorphosis.

Image 2. - Colorized image from scanning electron microscope depicting a close interaction of Drosophila immune cells (green) with adipose tissue (red) in freshly emerged fly.

Image 3. - Immuno-fluorescent confocal images of the cryosections of Drosophila in the course of metamorphosis.

Image 4. - Peri-implnatation stage mouse blastocyst embryo preparing for uterine implantation.

Image 5. - Honey bees (Apis mellifera) feeding on preparatory feed supplements. 

Image 6. - A parasitoid wasp infecting Drosophila larva.

Image 7. - Naked mole-rat, African subterranean rodent, known for its longevity and cancer resistance, that we use as a model to study long-term female fertility.

Image 8. - Female egg of naked mole-rat during meiotic division. Chromosomes (in blue) are arranged in a plate, attached to the meiotic spindle (in white). 



Created with support of the National Recovery Plan for Higher Education for 2022-2024 (NPO Trasformace-JU, reg. č. NPO_JČU_MŠMT-16608/2022)

Stay in touch
social media

Branišovská 1645/31a, 370 05 České Budějovice Tel. 387 776 201 | sekret-fpr@prf.jcu.cz

Branišovská 1645/31a, 370 05 České Budějovice Tel. 387 776 201 | sekret-fpr@prf.jcu.cz

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