The European Union’s Erasmus+ programme enables university students to undertake an internship in their field in a European country of a duration between 2 and 12 months. Within the Erasmus+ programme, graduates are also eligible for such an internship.
PhD students can also use a short-term internship between 5-30 days. There is no possibility to use the internship between 31 - 59 days in the framework of Erasmus program.
Graduate work placement
University of South Bohemia provides students on internships with a grant of 630 to 750 euros per month depending on which country the internship is to be spent in. For a short-term internship between 5 - 30 days the grant is approx. 60 Euros per day.
An Erasmus work placement may take place only in the countries involved in the Erasmus+ programme:
It is not possible to undertake an internship in Switzerland.
The ERASMUS ID code of University of South Bohemia is CZ CESKE01.
All document are to be sent to Barbora Okosy: or the originals submitted to her at the Faculty of Science International Office (Building C, door number 00013).
Students receiving 75 points or over are considered to have passed the selection process. The quality of the application and financial resources may, however, also influence the mobility.
The results of the selection process will be announced to applicants by email within one week of submission.
1. A document detailing the Learning Agreement for Traineeship is to be jointly submitted by all three parties – the student, Erasmus coordinator (Barbora Okosy), and host institution (the student’s supervisor at the host institution).The student is to contact their supervisor at their chosen university/institution/company and fill in the Learning Agreement for Traineeship in consultation with them. This document may, preferably, be submitted to the Erasmus coordinator along with the application documents or separately at a later date, but no later than three weeks before the commencement of the mobility.
2. OLA - Online Language TEST of your mobility language
3. Grant agreement signature
The student is to contact Ms. Vašková via e-mail at - - when they have collected all the documents needed to sign the Grant Agreement - at least 5 working days before the expected date of the meeting
The following documents are to be attached to the e-mail in the following formats:
First, however, the student is to contact the Erasmus faculty coordinator (Barbora Okosy) who is to help them complete their Learning Agreement and check the other documents.
The student is obliged to have valid health insurance and insurance of liability for the duration of his/her mobility for the final destintion. The faculty offers for you the insurance of liability, it is valid for one year in the whole EU. It costs 568 CZK. You can pay it online. The bank account number is 104725778/0300. And you have to send the bank statement to me ( till 20th of previous month with your name, address, date of birth and phone.
The insurance company who deals especialy with Erasmus+ mobility:, you can check it.
Any student who feel the need for further explanation may also arrange an appointment at the International Office Contact Centre where you will be informed about all matters related to their Erasmus mobility.
Branišovská 1645/31a, 370 05 České Budějovice Tel. 387 776 201 |
Branišovská 1645/31a, 370 05 České Budějovice Tel. 387 776 201 |
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