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  • Presentation of candidates to the Academic Senate

Petr Nguyen

I am a chair of the Department of Molecular Biology and Genetics and a head of one of its laboratories, faculty representative in the AS JU and currently a chair of the AS PřF.

Michal Choma

I work in the soil group at the Dept of Ecosystem Biology and my interest is ecology of soil microorganisms I aim to contribute to understanding the role of soil microbiomes in ecosystem functioning

Zuzana Dvorníková

At our faculty the chemistry study program with the subsequent master's program is a minority. For this reason, I decided to candidate in order to represent my present and future classmates because in many cases we are completely forgotten.

Michaela Uhrová

After finishing the bachelor and master programmes right at the Faculty of Science USB, I decided to get involved into its affairs and organization and so to candidate to the Academic Senate.

Kseniya Bobryshava

I am a 3rd year BMLT student and I work as a laboratoy manager in the Laboratoy of Chromosomics. Next year I am going to continue my studies at FSC in one of biological master's degree programme.

Jan Štefka

Since September 2022, I lead the Department of Parasitology. I do my research also in the Lab. of Molecular Ecology and Evolution (Biol. Centre CAS), where I study the host-parasite relationships (mostly in parasites of vertebrates) and I use genetics to trace introduced parasite species.

Petr Blabolil

Staff member of the Department of Ecosystem Biology. At the Faculty of Biology and later Faculty of Science, I studied a bachelor's degree in Biology, a master's degree in Ecosystem Biology and a Ph.D. degree in Hydrobiology.

Petr Březina

I’m a member of algology lab at Department of Botany, where I deal with modern methods and approaches in didactics of biology, focusing on Cyanobacteria and Algae. And I’m of the opinion that even teacher trainees deserve to be represented in Faculty Senate.

Libor Ekrt

I work at the Department of Botany, Faculty of Science, JU and within the systematic group I focus on research on biology, distribution, genome size and phylogeny of ferns and lycophytes. I am interested in nature conservation and I collaborate with nature conservation authorities in the Czech Republic.

Jakub Geyer

In the years 2009–2015, I completed the Bc and Master study program in Applied Informatics at the Faculty of Science, since 2017 I have been working at the Department of Informatics (formerly the Institute of Applied Informatics) as an assistant and researcher

Jan Hůda

I've been studying at the Faculty of Science for a four years now. That's why I think it's time to try something new. I don´t promise any changes, but together with other colleagues I will try to make our faculty prosperous. Therefore, I will support your suggestions. I'm here for you! So go to the elections and vote wisely.

Jan Robovský

Until now, I have never run for the Academic Senate of the Faculty of Science; however, the confluence of several factors made me change this position. I believe that I have relatively rich experience in teaching and training students, in popularizing science and conservation topics, and in coordinating interest groups (I was the chairman of two groups within the Union of Czech and Slovak Zoos and in the European Association of Zoos and Aquaria).

Martin Janda

I am the head of the Laboratory of Molecular Interactions of Plants with Microorganisms at the Department of Experimental Plant Biology and I teach topics related to plant immunity and physiology.

Petr Lunga

I decided to run for the Academic Senate of PřF JU because I think that our faculty has a lot of untapped potential hidden beneath minor imperfections that could easily be fixed.

Damián Dedecius

My main motivation for running as a senator is to contribute to the work for a faculty, to which I have developed a very positive relationship in my three (and a bit) years of study.

Michaela Syrová

I graduated with a degree in Biology for Education and obtained Ph.D. in Zoology at our faculty. Now, I work at the Department of Zoology. My research interest is behavioural ecology of birds and I teach zoology of vertebrates, field courses for first year students, and interdisciplinary excursion.

Jakub Opelka

I am currently studying the second year of the master's program in Experimental Biology - Molecular and Cellular Biology and Genetics. I work in the laboratory of microscopy and histology at the Institute of Entomology under the supervision of Mgr. Hany Sehadová, Ph.D. and prof. RNDr Ivo Šauman Ph.D

Kateřina Jaklová

My name is Kateřina Jaklová and I am a student in the second year of the master's field of Experimental biology. Although I study molecular biology, I work at the Department of Chemistry in the Laboratory of Applied Biochemistry, and I would like to continue in the doctoral study program.

Zdeněk Futera

I'm trying to be an active member of the academic community who would like to be informed about important stuff happening at the faculty and have an opportunity to influence itsfuture development.

Klára Švihovcová

I am a third-year chemistry student, and I am going to continue in master studies at our faculty. I would like to participate in faculty events, interdisciplinary discussions, where I would represent the opinions of non-biological colleagues, from our students and teachers.

Pavel Čurda

I am currently a 3rd year student in the biophysics doctoral program. I completed my previous studies at the Faculty of Applied Sciences of the University of West Bohemia. I spend every working day at JU, which is why I decided to run for the academic senate.

David Kahoun

I work at the Department of Chemistry, where I am involved mainly in chromatographic analyses, mostly in collaboration with other departments at the FS USB, but also at the BCAV or in the private sector.

Josef Troup

I am a student in the third year of a Bachelor of Science in Chemistry degree programme and i’d love to continue my studies in a Master’s degree programme. I would also like to participate more on events at our faculty as well as things like organization, decision making etc. and the Academic senate is the way to do it!

Jakub Švarc

In my studies, as well as in my free time, my main interests are
robotics, free software, and privacy in the context o f information

Martina Konečná

I am a candidate for the Employees – biological section of the academic senate. I have been an employee of FSci JU since 2011. I became head of the department of zoology in 2021. 

Jan Zrzavý

Zoologist and evolutionary biologist from the Department of Zoology (graduate of Charles University, I have been at the faculty since the very beginning). In the distant past, I went through all senate functions, both at faculty and university levels. Currently I feel that a time of crisis is coming again, when the senate can be useful once more.

Pavel Duda

I am a graduate of FSci USB, currently working as a postdoc at the Department of Zoology. I study evolution of human behavior, teach evolutionary and anthropological courses, organize seminars, and manage the department's website.

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Branišovská 1645/31a, 370 05 České Budějovice Tel. 387 776 201 | sekret-fpr@prf.jcu.cz

Branišovská 1645/31a, 370 05 České Budějovice Tel. 387 776 201 | sekret-fpr@prf.jcu.cz

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