Information on project preparation support at the Faculty of Science USB
Information on project preparation support at the Faculty of Science, USB
Support for applicants and later during project realization is provided by either the dean's office (Research Office and Finance) or Development and Projects.
The dean's office can help you with
"Simple" projects with limited administratin, with budget below ca. 20 Mio CZK.
For example, projects by the Czech Science Foundation (GAČR), Technology Agency of the Czech Republic (TAČR), some types of projects administered by the Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports, MŠMT (INTER-EXCELLENCE), ERASMUS projects
Development and Projects can help you with
Projects with a demanding administration, financially demanding projects.
Projects such as Johannes Amos Comenius Programme (OP JAK), The Operational Program Technologies and Application for Competitiveness (OP TAK), National agency for agricultural research (NAZV), the National Recovery Plan (NPO), Horizon, ERC.
How to proceed
Contact the administration well in advance, discuss your prepared project with the head of your department - your department must agree to secure the project in terms of space requirements and necessary human resources, to ensure its successful implementation, and to ensure the necessary cooperation with the faculty administration during the project implementation and sustainability, as well as after the project completion in the necessary administrative tasks (e.g., preparation of reports to the provider, publicity, etc.)..
You are obliged to inform the administration on your intent to apply for a grant, this process is described in the Dean's Provision D114. This information must be sent always to the Science and Research Office (Tato e-mailová adresa je chráněna před spamboty. Pro její zobrazení musíte mít povolen Javascript.).
Depending on the type of project, contact the responsible administrative department to coordinate the preparation of the project. Expecially the "big" project, like OP JAK, will take plenty of time to prepare everything.
Please remember, the Developmment and Projects office is here to help you in the preparation of the project, and if successfull, also in running the project; however, project and financial managers are specialists and thus are not here to help with simple administration such as getting signatures to documents during the realization, buying air tickets etc. - every department has a secretary, who can help you with these.