Academic mobility

What is so great about leaving for research or postdoctoral stay, and what would probably annoy you? What is it like to move with your family, and what should you focus on when choosing the right place for you? Join us and find out about academic mobility during and after PhD.
The seminar is organized in cooperation with the University of South Bohemia in České Budějovice.

The seminar is open to all students. We believe it will be most beneficial for PhD students in life sciences. However, even motivated undergraduate students or students from social sciences and humanities may benefit from attending. 

This seminar is co-organized in cooperation with the University of South Bohemia and with the support of the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation.


Opening word

14:10 - 15:30
Short talks (Chrudinová, Moons, Miláček, Mottl)

15:30- 15:40

16:20 - 18:00
Snack and refreshments, coffee, networking, and informal discussions

Click here for more info about our guests.

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