Academic Researcher Network

Greetings! We are pleased to invite you to join the Academic Researcher Network (ARN), a Slack workplace designed to link research communities of České Budějovice, i.e. from the Faculty of Science, the Faculty of Fishery, and the Biology Centre. Last week, we have send the invitations to PhD students and now, we would like to invite you as well.

Over the past months, with the agreements of the Faculty of Science and Biology Centre CAS, we have developed this workplace with the main purpose of gathering academic researchers (PhD students, Postdocs, and long-term researchers) on a common place. Such network offers the possibility for everyone to share important information related with science in general.

We have designed different channels in the ARN to satisfy as many research needs as possible: a place to be informed with all seminars from the institutes/dept., one to be updated with opportunities (jobs, positions, etc.), one to find new tools/courses/workshops to improve your skills, one to get in touch with your own department/institute, and many more. Therefore, the ARN aims to act as a facilitator for local researchers’ communication. Now that 30 of our colleagues have tested the ARN, we finally need you to make the community alive. Your implication will enable our community to grow and become self-reliant. Also, consider this as your tool! The ARN still has many rooms to improve and your contribution and feedback will be very much appreciated.

One last word about this initiative and us. As it is for now, the ARN is not representing officially BC and PrF, but it is the first attempt in linking both institutions and we count with their agreements. Such initiative has entirely been developed by PhD students and Postdocs on our free time and is outgrown from the Academic Coffee Meeting, an academic meeting group to discuss and share science topics and academic issues.

Thank you in advance and Welcome onboard!


You can sign-up to the ARN by using either your faculty address (, or your BC address ( only.

More introductory details will wait you in the welcome channel after your registration:

You can share with your colleagues the enclosed flyer and/or contact us :-)

Warm regards,
Samuel Dijoux
(Initiator and co-developer of the ARN)

Additional information about the Slack
To always be updated with the latest news about the ARN: install the Slack desktop version (below) or install it on your phone (by visiting your phone appstore), then enter the workplace address:

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Branišovská 1645/31a, 370 05 České BudějoviceTel. 387 776 201 | Tato e-mailová adresa je chráněna před spamboty. Pro její zobrazení musíte mít povolen Javascript.

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