Scientific Image Competition 2023

The department of Molecular Biology & Genetics (PrF, JU) organizes Scientific Image Competition 2023 for the whole Faculty. We solicit you and your labs for entries into this Annual Faculty Image Competition.

There are two categories and each comes with 3000 Czk first prize:

  • The Scientific Merit Category - exemplifying a major research break through from the 2023.
  • The Aesthetic Category - that does what it says on the tin (should be easy on the eye and open to all sorts of artistic licence - people are free to release their inner surrealist and go crazy with Photoshop).

Each entry should be accompanied by a one sentence description, the category in which it is entered, the name of the person submitting the entry and the name of the lab the image originates from.

Additionally, we ask entrants to provide their images in two formats:

  • Full sized and full resolution image they wish to be judged (in any image file format they deem appropriate)
  • Small image (max. 340 x340 pixels) in a jpg or png format, that I can easily and directly upload onto the department website (see URLs above) and Facebook pages.

Send the entrants directly to Alexander W. Bruce Tato e-mailová adresa je chráněna před spamboty. Pro její zobrazení musíte mít povolen Javascript..

The deadline for entries is Friday 22nd December 2023 (inclusive).

All entrants will be judged by a panel of the KMB&G Departmental Academic staff and a component of the number of likes they receive on our Department Facebook page. The winners will be announced in the New Year (most probably around February time).

Galleries of the previous years’ entrants and winners can be found on the faculty KMB&G webpages:


2011-2021 archive:





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