GAJU travel awards 2022

Dear students,

Thanks to the institutional support provided through GAJU team grants, we have the opportunity to support your personal development and research stays abroad. These funds can be used to cover travel costs associated with your participation in a conference or short-term research stays in a collaborating laboratory.

So, we are opening a 3rd call for applications for awards funded by GAJU team grants. Competitive awards can support your active participation in international conferences, workshops or research stays abroad. We can support expenses related to accommodation, allowances and conference fees. This year we will also consider online conferences, workshops and other courses. However, there are not enough resources to support all.

How to apply?

Please send the complete application form in pdf format by e-mail to Adam Bajgar (Tato e-mailová adresa je chráněna před spamboty. Pro její zobrazení musíte mít povolen Javascript.). Applications will be evaluated by a committee consisting of Václav Hypsa, Adam Bajgar and Petr Nguyen. The decision will be made within 14 days after the deadline and support will be paid in the form of a premium scholarship to the selected applicants.

When to apply?

The deadline for applications is May 15th, 2022.

Who is eligible?

Master's and Ph.D. students in the standard period of study under the GAJU team grants led by Václav Hypša and Adam Bajgar or affiliated with the Department of Molecular Biology and Genetics or the Department of Parasitology.

The application should include: the purpose of the travel, a detailed budget, your own motivation, and a description of how the trip will contribute to your personal development. Please remember that presenting your results at a conference and completing a short-term stay abroad is compulsory for successful completion of your studies. However, this obligation is not in itself a sufficient reason for receiving financial support. Securing co-financing from other sources is recommended and appreciated.


Adam Bajgar, Václav Hypša, and Petr Nguyen

Click here to download an Application for travel award


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